Image of the sacral chakra by iStock
Did you know all living beings, including plants, animals, trees, and even Earth have a chakra system? Chakras are like energy vortexes present within all of us, which act as energy carriers from the universe to the aura and physical body. There are seven major chakras in our body and numerous minor chakras. In this article, we will share everything you need to know about the second chakra, the Sacral Chakra, and its healing process.
The Sacral Chakra, also known as naval chakra or pelvic chakra is placed two inches below the navel. The Sanskrit name of the second chakra is Svadhisthana, which means space for your own being. The chakra is commonly associated with sexual and reproductive activities, emotions, and creativity.
The Sacral Chakra is placed after the Root Chakra and is followed by the Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra.
Understanding the Sacral Chakra
Element: Sacral Chakra is associated with the water element, known for its flexibility and adaptability.
Color: Orange
Role of the Chakra: Experience the energy of the chakra with healthy sexuality, creativity, and emotional connection with others without losing your own identity.
Body parts related to the Chakra: Genitals, womb, appendix, bladder, lower vertebrae, ovaries, testicles, and kidneys
What happens when the Sacral Chakra is balanced?
A balanced sacral chakra indicates that you are very comfortable with your creative expression and are connected with your sexuality. You also enjoy and sustain healthy relationships, and can easily share your feelings on sexuality in a sustainable way.
What happens when the Sacral Chakra is imbalanced?
When the sacral chakra is unbalanced, you will find it challenging to express your emotions, will be disconnected from pleasure, and may hold unprocessed anger. You will find it hard to be creative at work or in life. You may also have relationship issues in both platonic and romantic relationships and have difficulty expressing or talking about your sexuality. Reproductive issues may also surface in case of an imbalanced sacral chakra.
An overactive sacral chakra can push you to be a people pleaser or someone with poor sexual and relationship boundaries, leading to guilt.
Health Issues
- Chronic lower back pain
- Gynecological problems
- Pelvic pain
- Impotence
- Frigidity
- Kidney/ bladder problems
- Sciatica
- Hip pain
Emotional Challenges
- Guilt and shame
- Sex power and control, or lack of interest in sex
- Honor in relationships
- Lack of creativity
Sacral Chakra Healing
1. Meditation
You can try multiple meditation techniques to heal your sacral chakra. Meditation is primal to let go of your unwanted thoughts and bring the focus on your inner being through breathwork, visualization, and chanting.
Take a relaxed posture for your meditation practice. While sitting cross-legged on a floor mat with an upright posture is ideal, prioritizing your comfort is the key. You might also explore using a meditation cushion for added ease. We suggest you begin meditation practice from 15 minutes and go up to 40 minutes as per your comfort.
Try one of these meditations for sacral chakra healing:
Orange Light Meditation to Energize Sacral Chakra
- Take a few deep, long breaths from your nose and breathe out slowly.
- Begin relaxing your body with one body part at a time. Let go of all the stiffness and heaviness that you may be experiencing.
- As you breathe in, let in the positive energy of the universe, and breathe out all that isn’t required.
- Now gently shift your focus to the Sacral Chakra and breathe in to invite orange light to the chakra.
- Exhale out all the physical or emotional blockages you may be carrying in your sacral chakra.
- With every breath, imagine the chakra growing bigger and brighter, rotating at a steady, comfortable pace. With each breath, imagine your chakra is being strengthened and balanced. Continue this step for at least 10 min.
- Go back to your regular breathing and open your eyes when you are ready.
Meditation near a water body or with the sound of water

Numerous reports suggest that the sound of water or simply being around water can bring in a profound sense of peace, and help reduce stress and anxiety.
Whether you find yourself by the side of a beach or a river, or you choose to immerse in the soothing sounds of waves, try these meditation steps for sacral chakra healing:
- Take deep, long breaths from your nose, and exhale slowly.
- As you begin to relax, softly bring your attention to the sound of water flowing effortlessly, freely, and magnanimously, going wherever the flow takes it. Let in the sound of each wave, big and small, through your body. Simply dive into every little sound of the water. Let your attention flow with the water, from near to far.
- Absorb every sound until you are one with it. Now, gently shift your focus to the sacral chakra. With every breath, imagine the sacral chakra becoming more balanced with bright circular orange light, rotating at a steady pace. Practice this for 10-15 min.
- Bring your focus back to regular breath and open your eyes when you are ready.
Mantra Meditation
The bija (seed) mantra for sacral chakra healing is VAM
- In this meditation, start with taking deep breaths and shifting your focus to the sacral chakra. Inhale deeply, and exhale from your mouth while chanting VAMMMM mantra (with an emphasis on M).
- Visualize the sacral chakra vibrating and getting energized with the bija mantra.
- With every VAMMMM sound, imagine the sacral chakra healing radiating brighter with orange color.
2. Strike a Pose
Creativity and the water element of the sacral chakra can be strengthened with flowing movement and breath, thus promoting flexibility in the lower spine and hip opening movements. Try some of these yoga poses for sacral chakra healing.
- Happy baby pose
- Child’s pose
- Downward facing dog
- Cow Face Pose
- Open Angle and Bound Angle Pose
- All Warrior Poses
3. Adopt New Habits
Here are some fun ways to balance your sacral chakra:
- Dance: Dancing can have multiple benefits, from improving mood to weight loss to sacral chakra healing! Explore the world of salsa, belly dancing, or any other dance style focusing on hip movement to balance the chakra.
- Be comfortable with your sexuality: Understand your preconceived notions about sex and your core belief system, and bring in a shift by being more confident about your sexuality. Embrace your body and be comfortable under your skin, with all your beautiful curves.
- Experiment with hula hooping: Add fun to your fitness regime while balancing the sacral chakra. Hula hooping is a great way to bring in mobility for your hips and gives a workout to the lower body muscles, all of which support your sacral chakra.
- Tune into your creative side: Try journaling, writing, painting, or picking on any creative expression to channel your emotions.
- Food choice: Enjoy mindful consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables for sacral chakra healing. Add orange color to your diet by consuming pumpkin, peach, mango, orange, papaya, and nuts on a daily basis. Do remember to keep yourself hydrated and drink coconut water and herbal teas.
4. Water Healing
Research shows that water has memory, which means that water doesn’t respond to everyone in the same way. You can exponentially increase the positive energy of water, taking in its healing abilities.
- Heal Drinking Water: You can transform the energy of water with a loving touch or a healing affirmation. Hold the water in the glass or bottle for a few seconds and, imagine all the positive energy flooding the water with healing properties for the sacral chakra, and then consume it.
- Swimming and steam baths: Swimming and steam baths aren’t just good for clearing body toxins and altering your mood, but these can also promote sacral chakra healing.
5. Affirmations
Affirmations are a potent reminder of sacral chakra healing. You can use these powerful statements anytime, during meditation or while healing your drinking water.
- I am flowing with creativity
- I feel passionate and loved
- I express freely and openly
- I embrace my sexuality completely
- I feel abundant love in my relationships
- I embrace my body with love, respect, and kindness
6. Crystals
Crystals can be used to engage with Earth’s energy to amplify healing or help us release energy that no longer serves our consciousness. You can use the healing crystals as a bracelet or pendant or by keeping them close to your body, in your purse or pocket. You can also hold a crystal with you while you meditate. If you prefer meditating while lying down, try placing crystals on your sacral chakra to amplify the healing process.
Crystals which can be used for sacral chakra healing include
- Carnelian
- Moonstone
- Orange Tourmaline
- Coral
- Amber
- Sunstone
Make sure you cleanse the crystals by smudging them in white sage, laying them down in the moonlight for a night, and then running them through flowing tap water.
7. Essential Oils
Essential oil therapy has been an intrinsic part of ancient therapy. It seeks the healing benefits of plants, herbs, and flowers by adding them to food and medicines, applying them to the affected area, or leveraging the scent for healing. If you do not prefer meditation or yoga, essential oils offer an easy and convenient mode for chakra healing.
Use Ylang ylang, patchouli, rosewood, lemon, and sandalwood for sacral chakra healing. It is important to dilute the essential oil with carrier oil before use. You can use a single essential oil or a combination of these and apply it to the chakra. You can also add a few drops to your bath or fill in your room with the aroma of the chosen essential oil.
8. Sound Healing
Each chakra vibrates at a specific frequency, which can also be used to heal it. The frequency corresponding to the sacral chakra is 417 Hz. Embracing this frequency through music can purge negativity from both your body and the space around you. You can find numerous sound therapies and YouTube videos that involve singing bowls, gongs, and drums for sacral chakra healing. Play the music when you try the above healing practices and experience the transformation. If ragas fit your taste, you can also try Yaman Raga for sacral chakra healing.
Embrace your creativity, emotional well-being, and sexuality with sacred chakra healing. Whether it is meditation, movement, water healing, or daily habits, pick a healing modality that best fits your lifestyle. The idea is to remain persistent, focused, and, more importantly, remain patient with the process of healing.
You can heal your chakras, and our intent to share this information is to facilitate your healing process. However, if you face any pain or emotional upheaval in the process of healing, please consult a licensed or certified chakra healer.
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