Image of root chakra healing by iStock
Did you know that of the 114 chakras for a human being, 2 are outside our bodies? Of these, 7 major chakras govern the functioning of your body and mind. Once you have mastered the art of balancing the 7 chakras, you can overcome physical ailments, manage mental health issues, and have a balanced emotional state. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about the first chakra, the Root Chakra or Muladhara, and all it takes for Root Chakra Healing.
Root Chakra or Muladhara, also known as the base chakra, is located at the base of the spine, between the genitals and the anus. The Sanskrit word, Mula- adhara means the foundation. True to its name, Muladhara or the root chakra is the foundation of your healthy body and well-being. While many spiritual seekers tend to focus on higher chakras, it is important to understand that the impact of the Root Chakra forms the basis of who we are. Only with strong grounded energy can we raise our vibrations. In fact, Root Chakra healing forms a strong foundation for the healing of the other six chakras.
The Root Chakra is followed by six other chakras, including the Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra.
Understanding the Root Chakra
Element: The Root Chakra is associated with the grounding energies of the Earth Element. Earth is the basis on which the other four elements are built on.
Color: Red
Role of the Chakra: The Chakra governs your feeling of safety and security in the material world.
Body parts related to the Chakra: Base of the spine, legs, bones, feet, rectum, intestines, adrenal glands, and the immune system.
What happens when the root chakra is balanced?
A balanced root chakra will bring a sense of belief that your financial issues and the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing will always remain out of concern. You are comfortable with the life flow and operate from the space of comfort and fearless state. You also tend to enjoy stable relationships with your loved ones.
What happens when the root chakra is imbalanced?
When the root chakra is not in harmony, you will feel extremely ungrounded and operate from a space of fear. You are constantly worried that you may lose the comfort of your home or health. You may feel greedy or feel that there is always a lack of finances. Some of the reasons why you may have a blocked root chakra include having the feeling of guilt or living in constant survival fears. Trust issues in a relationship can also indicate blocked root chakra.
Health Issues:
- Chronic back pain
- Hemorrhoids
- Constipation
- Knee problems
- Immune-related disorders
- Rectal disorders
- Weight problems
- Lethargy
Emotional Challenges:
- You find it difficult to stand up for yourself
- You are fearful or worrisome for your future
- You feel insecure, unstable, guilty, or greedy
- You have anger issues
- You often get anxious or fearful
Root Chakra Healing

1. Meditation
Meditation helps you focus on the unbalanced chakra and heal the blocked energies. This can be done by merely focusing on the healing thoughts and affirmations, or visualizing the color of the particular chakra.
Take a comfortable position to practice meditation. Crossing your legs and sitting on a floor mat with a straight back is best. However, what’s more important is that you are comfortable while meditating. You can consider lying down or using a meditation cushion for comfort. We recommend any meditation to long for a minimum duration of 15 min to seek healing benefits. An ideal duration however would be 30-40 min to optimize your healing process.
Try one of these meditations for root chakra healing:
Red Light Meditation to Energize Root Chakra
- Take in a few deep breaths from your nose and exhale from your mouth.
- Slowly and steadily relax your entire body, beginning from your foot.
- Breathe in positivity and exhale all negative emotions from your body and mind. Continue taking in positive energy from the universe until you are in a deep, relaxed state.
- Now, gently turn your attention to your root chakra. As you breathe in, imagine root chakra as a lotus flower, rotating clockwise, beaming with red light. Imagine this red light pushing and growing larger.
- Breathe in red light and breathe out any darkness or blockages. When you exhale, let go of all the fears, pain, or even unfulfilled expectations of how you are supposed to feel in the meditation.
- Slowly imagine your whole body emerging into red light, washing away all blockages and welcoming the healing energies.
- Continue meditating for a few minutes.
- Shift to a regular breathing pattern and gently open your eyes when you are ready.
White light meditation for an Overactive Root Chakra
White light meditation is very powerful for overall healing and grounding the energies.
- Close your eyes and take deep, long breaths to relax your body and clear your head.
- Imagine pure, bright, healing white light entering your body from the crown of your head, gently moving slowly to your third eye, the face, throat, chest, and tummy. Let it flow down to your root chakra, energizing it, and down to your hips, legs, and feet.
- Let the white light heal your body as it touches each organ and finally enters through you to the floor and deep into the earth.
- Imagine the white light clearing all your ailments and negative energy, and filling your entire body with health, love, and light.
- Bring your focus to a regular breathing pattern and open your eyes when you are ready.
Chanting Meditation
The bija (seed) mantra for the root chakra is LAM.
- In this meditation, start with taking deep breaths and shifting your focus to the root chakra. Inhale deeply, and exhale from your mouth while chanting a long LAMMMM mantra (with an emphasis on M).
- Visualize the root chakra vibrating and getting energized with the bija mantra.
- With every LAMMMM sound, imagine the root chakra healing radiating brighter with red color.
2. Yoga
As the root chakra is all about strengthening the grounding energy, we recommend balancing poses for the root chakra. Yoga asanas that help you strengthen the legs and surrender to gravity are recommended.
- Warrior I and II
- Tree Pose
- Chair Pose
- Standing forward bend
- Head to Knee Pose
- Reclining Bound Angle Pose
- Child’s pose
- Corpse pose
3. Healing Crystals
Crystals are known to vibrate at a particular energy and thus have an innate ability to transform our energies as well. For root chakra healing, pick one of the following crystals: ruby, black tourmaline, hematite, bloodstone, lodestone, garnet, obsidian, red jasper, onyx, smoky quartz, or fire agate.
You can use crystals as jewelry or carry them in your pocket to ensure you receive their energetic frequency throughout your day. You can also keep the crystal in your hand while meditating. Do remember to cleanse and energize the crystals before use. Follow these steps to cleanse crystals’ energy.
- Smudge the crystal with white sage.
- Put them outside or near your window where the crystals can soak in the moonlight for a night. It is preferred you do this on the full moon.
- Finally, run your crystal in tap water to wash away any negative energy.
4. Ground your energy with Mindfulness
If meditation and yoga do not fit into your daily routine, try one of these simple tips to ground your energy and balance your root chakra.
Mindful eating

Try mindful consumption of root vegetables, including carrots, beetroots, turnips, sweet potatoes, carrots, and parsnips for root chakra healing. Stay away from distractions while eating food and savor every bite of what you consume. The best way to honor food and seek maximum nourishment is consciously consuming and relishing it and noticing every sensation in your body. Be grateful for the healing energies the food is offering you.
Mindful Walking
Walking barefoot on the ground, sand, or grass has incredible health and grounding benefits. Research shows that walking barefoot can help you improve immunity, increase antioxidants, and improve sleep. More importantly, it has a miraculous impact on root chakra healing.
If walking barefoot isn’t possible for you, try mindful walking by focusing your energy on the act and building a deeper connection with the ground.
Connecting With Nature
The more time you spend in the forest, hiking, gardening, or simply sitting in a park, the more grounded will be your energies. Be mindful and observe the color of the leaves, the smell of the sand, and the air brushing past you.
5. Enjoy Some Music
Each chakra is associated with a certain frequency, which means that each chakra can be healed with the related solfeggio frequency. The solfeggio frequencies are known to generate delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma brainwaves, healing your body and mind.
The frequency of root chakra is 396 Hz. Thus, you can heal your root chakra by listening to resonating music and get over trauma, guilt, and fear. Try exploring music offered by various websites to heal your root chakra.
6. Practice Affirmations
Affirmations are incredible reminders to bring a shift in your thoughts and actions. Create your personalized affirmations for root chakra healing, and transform your challenges. Here are some examples you can try
- I am emotionally and financially secure
- I treasure my relationships
- I am in a safe space
- I am energetic
- I am firmly rooted in the Earth
- I am always calm
7. Transform your Response- One Step at a Time
Since the impact of chakras is collectively felt on the body and mind, root chakra healing lies in transforming one of these aspects. Choose to respond differently to life situations and consciously bring safety and safety into your life. Here is what you can do to respond differently:
Practice Gratitude
When you have doubts, remember all the good things you have in life right now, which will guide you to a place of increased security. Remind yourself of the comforting home, the nourishing food, clean water, and all the little luxuries of life you enjoy every day. Cultivate gratitude by maintaining a journal of appreciative thoughts or by verbally expressing thankfulness while gazing into your own eyes in a mirror.
Enable Abundance Mindset
Bring in a shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. Remember that the world is full of possibilities, opportunities, and growth. An abundant mindset is that there is plenty for everyone. Notice when you have negative or limiting thoughts and practice questioning them more often. Make a shift from ‘There is too much competition out there’ to ‘My experience and subject matter know-how gives me an edge over others.’ Also, remember that abundance is never limited to financials, it is also of relationships, love, time, ability, passion, and purpose of life.
Manage Anxiety and Anger with Slow Breathing:
Feeling anxious? Try to slow down your breathing and relax your tensed muscles. As you inhale, engage in the rhythmic count of four, allowing the air to fill your lungs. Then, exhale smoothly to the gentle count of eight, releasing any stress or unease you may be harboring.
Move your Body
Exercise or walking is a powerful tool to remove negative thoughts. Develop a morning or evening routine, and move your body to reduce stress and stay healthy.
8. Add Red Color to your Life
Finally, add more shades of red color to your wardrobe and your house. Wearing and seeing more red color will support root chakra healing.
Interestingly, when you have a weak root chakra, you will notice that your subconscious is drawn to red. You will find extensive use of red color in your old paintings or may have had a tendency to pick on more red dresses. That’s your intuitive subconscious supporting you in root chakra healing.
The root chakra supports the foundational energy of our existence and is exceedingly critical for leading a healthy life and attaining higher consciousness. In fact, root Chakra healing forms a strong foundation for balancing of the other 6 chakras. Follow the simple steps of practicing yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, and bring in the healing power of crystals, affirmations, and music for root chakra healing.
You can heal your chakras, and our intent to share this information is to facilitate your healing process. However, if you face any pain or emotional upheaval in the process of healing, please consult a licensed or certified chakra healer.
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