Image on Manifestation by Jill Wellington on Pixabay
“You are what your deepest desire is. As is your desire, so is your intention. As is your intention, so is your will. As is your will, so is your deed.”- Upanishads
Manifestation is beyond the usual tricks and tips of having a manifestation box, or following methods of 3-6-9, or 5×55. It is in fact, more than just positive-focused thinking. Manifestation delves into your very being. You attract what you are. So, if you want to manifest something else, change who you currently are.
Have you been trying to attract the best in life and have failed?
Manifestation has gained ample popularity, and the world is flooded with numerous manifestation tricks. We all have tried some of the popular ways to manifest and have had some success with it. Sure, creating a vision board helps bring more clarity and train your mind to believe in possibilities.
However, manifestation is more than placing pictures and messages in a box or wall. Manifestation lies in the core of who you are. In fact, some of the reasons why many people fail to manifest their dreams are their old habits or limiting beliefs, which propel them into inaction or negative thinking.
You are a combination of your beliefs, habits, and people around you. Manifestation and how your life turns out is a combination of these factors.
How You Attract What You Are
Manifestation is always at work. Your every action and thought is the work in progress of creating your present and future self. It is strongly correlated to your beliefs and emotional state.
What you resist, persists
Do you unconsciously put your energies focusing on things you do not want? You absolutely don’t want your cake to burn this time. You have taken all the measures to add the correct ingredients, grease the pan, and set the right temperature, and yet your cake burns on the edges- precisely what you wanted to avoid all along.
The Law of Attraction works on what you put your attention to. The universe doesn’t filter your good or bad choices, or whether it is positive or negative. You are served based on your energies.
When you resist or fight something with all your being, you simply are putting in too much of your energy to make it happen. Furthermore, it initiates an unending cycle, perpetuating negative thoughts and patterns in your life. When you worry about your fears, struggles, and problems, you in turn make them more powerful. However, a simple step of facing those fears and working on solutions to your challenges trains your mind on positive outcomes.
So, do not resist the flow of life, never say never, and stay open to the possibilities life has to offer. Rather than dwelling on your fears, shift your focus towards embracing life’s potential.
You are a version of your past
You are the consolidated version of your past experiences. Your brain, emotions, and body are thus wired to a familiar outcome rather than a remote possibility.
You may be absolutely confident of your next meal because you have never had the financial stress of managing it. But you may not be confident of having one billion because you never had that money in the past. Our experiences can make it easy or difficult to enable us to manifest certain things in life. While our past success supports attracting the usual in our lives, our failures in the past deter us from the extraordinary.
How does this go further? Imagine you had a relationship with someone who cheated on you. When you process this information and save it in your subconscious mind, you have created a record of betrayal. This will impact your ability to trust your future partners, further strengthening your belief of cheating or mistrust. What does it lead to? Unconsciously, you will attract more partners with similar issues, creating a chain of heartbreaking incidents or wrong people in your life.
The emotional trap
Did you know that emotions fuel all your manifestations? The stronger the emotion around what you want, the more are the chances of making it a reality. However, the challenge lies in letting go of those negative emotions- fears, jealousy, and guilt. When you feel guilty or fearful of the outcomes of your actions or thoughts, you are actually inviting more of those emotions or actions into your life.
Judgments and rigid opinions of people or circumstances are another example. For example, when you tend to have strong, unwavering judgments about people with failed relationships, you open doors for similar situations in your life. The stronger your emotions, thoughts, and judgments, the more your chances of attracting related events or people in your life. This possibly creates an unending loop of manifesting what you never wanted.
Manifestation is a daily process, and you attract who you are

You are manifesting every day, consciously and unconsciously. Personally, I believe unconscious manifestation is far greater and more powerful than the conscious one. What’s the difference between the two? Unconscious manifestation comes in more naturally to you, with conscious work on your perspective on life choices and goals. With unconscious manifestation, you easily attract what you are.
Rather than merely emphasizing forced positive thinking, the key lies in redefining your life’s vision. It involves dedicating your energies to raising your vibrations and shifting your mindset, thereby making the process of manifestation seamless and nearly effortless.
Here are some ways to transform yourself and manifest your desires:
1. Embrace Abundant Mindset
Abundance is the fundamental aspect of the universe. If you think someone else needs to have less for you to have more, think again. Our most basic soul nature is happiness, and not stress or fear. There are innumerable opportunities for all, enough financial abundance for all, and countless reasons to remain joyful.
When you rewire your brain to focus on what you have, instead of the lack, you train yourself to see good in all situations. Focus on beautiful moments in a relationship rather than conflicts, view challenges as opportunities rather than barriers, and live in the present rather than being fearful of the future. With an abundant mindset, you train yourself to focus on the good, manifesting more of it.
2. Reinvent your Journey
Ever wondered why you want that luxury car or a bigger house? Let the answer not remain an obvious one. Ask yourself what you want, and more importantly, why. The key is to get down to the root cause. If the car is to enjoy luxury, ask why you need luxury in life.
Interestingly, some of the most common reasons behind why we begin aspiring for anything, come down to the very basics- happiness and peace. What if you begin feeling that happiness and peace right now? When you manifest something with the undivided notion of realizing you are already living that ulterior goal, you simply ease the process of manifestation. In short, realizing that you are already happy and at peace makes it easy for you to attract that house or car. Why? Because when you embody the final outcome, you attract what you are.
3. Align your Thoughts and Actions
This one is obvious. You need to take appropriate actions to back your thoughts and dreams. Your thoughts are exponentially powerful. While they attract the right experiences, people, and opportunities, your manifestation becomes successful when you support those with actions. Align your positive thoughts with conscious life choices, and make an effort to improve yourself every day. If you are manifesting promotion, enroll yourself in some courses or try some tips to improve productivity.
4. Identify and Break Old Patterns
When you observe closely, you will find a series of repeating life incidents, challenges, or people around you. All of these typically reflect your deep-seated traumas or beliefs. Repetitive incidents are an alarm, not to emphasize that life is unfair to you, but a reminder to change your perspective, emotions, and actions.
Try journaling to put down everything that happens too often with you, and understand why that is the case. Like, if you have always been dumped by your partners in the past, instead of focusing on their actions, focus on your belief system and reactions. Are you scared to be vulnerable or that you will end up alone? Do you fear losing your loved ones? Do you relate your experiences with that of your parents? You are the epitome of data storage in the form of past emotions and incidents. Identify these patterns and break them with positive affirmations. When you break these patterns, you make your manifestation of inviting that perfect person to become more effortless

5. Bring in an Energy Shift
Your life experiences are driven by your energy levels or vibrations. Lower vibrations attract negative people, while higher vibrations attract more mentors and great people in your life. Lower vibrations also tend to engulf you in stress, fear, greed, envy, and anger, all of which make manifestation seem incredibly challenging.
To match the frequency of what you are manifesting, raise your own vibrations. You can do this by eating high-vibrational food, practicing forgiveness and gratitude, and trying affirmations and meditation practices,
6. Material vs. Non-material Manifestation
Our modern day manifestations are sadly limited- more money, better job, good partner, bigger house, and so on. Don’t get me wrong. We all want a fulfilling material life for our comfort, and manifestation comes in as a great tool to make it happen. However, I believe there is so much more we can manifest.
My favorite manifestation is inviting love, light, wisdom, peace, strength, and growth in my life. To complement this, I release any fixation on specific details regarding what, when, where, and how of life. Imagine when you are equipped to manage life as it comes, make wise decisions, have the courage and strength to follow through with those choices, and are blessed with infinite love and peace. The most profound manifestation is a better version of yourself, day by day. You manifest your ideal self, and thus, you attract what you are.
7. Surrendering is the Key
Ultimately, the key is to surrender your manifestations to the will of your higher self or universe. Let go of that tight grip because, let’s face it, you can make mistakes in understanding what you think you want. You have been manifesting for a particular person in your life, but what if you deserve a better person than the one you desire? You had been looking for a promotion, but what if there is an incredible, radical career path that has nothing to do with your current job?
Surrendering implies that you let go of the will or effort to take control of everything in your life. It is not a resignation or a passive acceptance of whatever may come, but rather a conscious choice to align your will with the greater forces at play. When you surrender, you attract what you are.