Image on Universal Laws by Kanenori on Pixabay
Do you have an unexplainable desire to grow? To grow beyond the current limitations, heal all traumas, and live a more purposeful life? Are you curious enough to explore and learn more?
12 universal laws are your answer. Whether you are aware or not, the universal laws impact your life. Understanding these laws helps you navigate this change more consciously and effectively.
The 12 Universal Laws
1. Law of Divine Oneness
The first of the 12 universal laws states one of the most pertinent facts- We are all one. There is a deep interconnectedness to everything you see on this planet and everything that isn’t visible. The universe in all its form, including planets, the 5 elements of life, the living and non-living, the galaxies, literally everything is a part of One.
We impact each other more than we can imagine. Your actions, thoughts, personality, and beliefs affect all of us and vice versa.
With our distinct energies in human form, oneness may seem like a combination of chaotic energy. However, that isn’t the case. We fit wonderfully together in the universal ecosystem as if it is meant to be that way.
How does oneness feel?
The oneness feels like knowing everything as it is. Without judgments, without the versions of good and bad, it feels like a zero. It is the feeling you get when you meditate with absolutely zero thought.
2. Law of Vibration
Everything is energy, and all energy forms vibrate at a certain frequency.
The law states that energy makes up everything in the universe, and there is nothing that isn’t energy. And the movement of energy is frequency. The higher your vibration, the more positive energy you have. You can raise your vibrations with meditation, monitoring your thoughts and actions, gratitude, mindfulness, chakra healing, high-vibration food, and more. We also tend to connect with people with similar energies and vibrations.
How can you tell if you have high vibrations?
Here are some of the signs you have high vibrations
- You are conscious of your thoughts, actions, and emotions
- You meditate and follow a closely monitored diet to raise vibrations
- You are emotionally balanced
- You are not driven by egoistic decisions or reactions
- You are empathetic and compassionate for everyone
- You attract incredible people. You feel blessed for the majority of the time and feel grateful
- Intuition comes naturally to you
- You forgive easily
3. Law of Correspondence
The law of correspondence states that external reality is the mirror of internal reality. If you have a lot of self-doubt, chances are you will doubt everyone else around you. Or if you have self-doubt, everyone else will follow suit.
The universal law also states that everything is repeated in patterns. You may have seen a pattern of relationship break-ups due to similar events or reasons. You would find yourself repeating certain behavioral traits or actions. The repeated pattern is the call from your higher self to transform your response for healing and growth.
Many times, these patterns are due to lives beyond the current one. If you have had heartbreaking relationships in the past or have been deceived by loved ones in one or multiple lifetimes, chances are that the pattern has manifested in this lifetime.
How to break the cycle of negative patterns?
- First of all, identify patterns in your life. You may have been facing similar issues in your life but haven’t noticed those yet. Do you keep switching jobs because you never find the right boss? Do you always fall in love with the wrong person?
- The factors that seem external have internal trigger points. Analyze why you never find the right job or the perfect love partner. It is like looking into the mirror- your mirror image on the outside reflects issues on the inside.
- Transform your response by doing the opposite of what you otherwise do (as part of your pattern). Compliment someone if you feel criticized. Encourage someone if you are feeling low. When you transform your exterior world, you also change your inner world and vice versa.
- Finally, try to stick around and resolve issues when you face a pattern. So the next time you feel like quitting the job because of an annoying co-worker, opt to make it work. Consider your patterns as an incredible opportunity to grow and transform your vibrations.
4. Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is probably one of the most practiced among the 12 universal laws. The law of attraction says that your positive thoughts attract positive results, and negative thoughts attract negative ones. The law of attraction makes anything you wish for come true.
Your brain is super powerful. And that is more so when you raise your vibrations. If you are a person with higher vibrations or a well-established mind, you can manifest your thoughts easily. So be wise about what you wish for, as they may actually come true!
How to attract good in your life?
- Move all your life forces in one direction to manifest something. Your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self should all work together to make your thought a reality. If you want to heal a particular ailment, you should focus on a healthy future body, feel the satisfaction of being healthy, and finally, take up a healthier routine to transform your health.
- Understand and manifest what you truly want instead of an interim result. If you want to manifest financial abundance, try answering why you need financial abundance. This will help you manifest your actual desire rather than the means of attaining it.
- Faith and commitment are powerful tools for the Universal Law of attraction to work. Have faith that your manifestation can become a reality and commit yourself towards achieving it.
- Be grateful for what you already have, and you open pathways to attracting more of it.
- If you closely monitor the ulterior goal of your manifestation, it is to find love, peace, and happiness. The most powerful manifestation is by adding in the affirmation or intention to invite more love, light, courage, peace, joy, and health into your life.
5. Law of Inspired Action

An inspired action is characterized by intensity and passion. The law of inspired action signifies the relevance of acting on your desires. In order to manifest your heart’s desire, you must take wholehearted, authentic, and actionable steps. No matter how big or small the act is, it is a quantum leap in meeting the individual goal.
While doing that, think about these two questions. Are you forcing things to happen? Or are you going with the flow of life and taking inspired action? This universal law promotes close synchronicity with the universe and encourages you to take action accordingly.
How to practice Inspired Action?
- Identify what truly matters to you. If you act while responding to your inner calling or purpose of life, take the initial first step, and you will find that everything in the universe will fall into place to make things happen for you.
- Practice divine surrender. When surrendered wholeheartedly, all manifestations, initial steps, and purpose of life can help you in two ways. One, you will learn to detach yourself from the end results. Second, you would leave it to the wisdom of the universe to decide what’s best for you. Looking back, you may realize all those people and things you wished for, which did not come true, were actually for your own good.
- Inspires action must be taken now! The more you wait, the less motivated you will be to do it.
- Don’t let fear or lack of confidence keep you away from actions. Remember, your actions bring you closer to your desire.
- Keep away from ego-based action. Watch out for universal signs and advice.
6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Energy is ever-changing. Your energy is impacted by the energies of everyone around you- people, environment, food, water, words, thoughts, and actions.
Every workplace has an energy of its own. Have you noticed it? How does that energy interact with you? Does that make you feel more stressed or excited? Energy shifts are always happening, whether you notice them or not.
How to raise and safeguard your energy?
- Raising Energy: Any energy with persistent positivity or negativity is extremely powerful. It is important to be conscious of your repetitive negative thoughts. Similarly, positive affirmations go a long way in transforming your life.
- Safeguarding Energy: The more spiritual you become and meditate, the more you can safeguard your energies. Wearing Rudraksha can also protect you from negative energy.
7. Law of Cause and Effect
Everything you do has an impact. That is what this universal law is all about. Every action of yours has an effect. At times this effect is immediate, however it can also get delayed. Governed by karma, the impact of your actions can either be felt through lifetimes or can be seen as quickly as tomorrow.
The law applies not just to your actions but also to your thoughts! Think negatively about someone, and it has entered your life first! Karma is often a vicious cycle, which not just impacts the one who is harming someone but also the person who is being harmed. This universal law binds both people, releasing them only when the energy exchange between them is settled.
How to manage the cause and effect?
- Be conscious of what you are putting in the universe. Give love to someone, and you will receive it back in various forms. Hatred does the same.
- Forgiveness is an incredible tool for letting go of karmic relations. Forgive the person who has harmed you, and you free yourself from the process of give and take or any energy exchange with them.
- Do not look for reasons behind everything that happens in your life. Some people get away even after a criminal act, while others get falsely trapped in wrong allegations. Even if the effect isn’t seen or can’t be evaluated right now, remember that the law is always working. Absolutely nothing goes past the law without an impact, and every action is bound to have an equal effect, sooner or later.
8. Law of Compensation
The law of compensation is an extension of the law of cause and effect. If the law of cause and effect is about right and wrongdoing, the law of compensation is about being compensated for the act. In other words, while our actions are being monitored under the law of cause and effect, we experience abundance under the law of compensation.
If you make an attempt to do all good deeds today, you will benefit only for a day. Invest in helping others and spreading peace for a lifetime, and you have gained a lifetime of peace and abundance. The law of compensation governs the quality and quantity of the returns of your actions.
How to follow the law of compensation?
- Consider consistent efforts of going good. Having a single compassionate and empathetic conversation with your colleague, while consistently losing your temper in all other interactions, is not an effective approach. Imbibe the values of compassion, giving, and kindness as a daily practice.
- Set your intentions right. Do you do certain ‘good’ acts because you earn ‘social’ goodwill or because you are genuinely interested in making an impact?
9. Law of relativity
This universal law states that everything in the universe is neutral until we add our perception to it. What is defined as abundance by someone is perceived as lack by someone else.

How to practice the Law of Relativity?
- You will always have a house bigger than someone and smaller than someone, business growth more than someone and less than someone, and resources that are less or more. Of the 12 Universal Laws, the law of relativity offers a persistent reality check that our perception creates a false reality. The fact is that everything is a relative comparison, which can have varied meaning.
- There are no good and bad souls. And no soul is inferior or superior to anyone. As souls, we have infinite potential, even if it doesn’t seem the case in the physical world. You may think that one person is more successful, happy, or competent than others. But it is not the case. For our soul contracts, we may take a different role, which does not represent our capacities.
- Be empathetic to someone’s bad behavior, arrogance, or ignorance. Your perspective can both be incorrect and not necessary.
- Practice gratitude for all that you have.
10. Law of Polarity
The Law of Polarity states that everything has its complete opposite side, and we need these opposites to gain a deeper perspective. There is happiness and joy, hot and cold, partnerships and loneliness, fame and defame, rich and poor. Everything is dual. The opposites are two sides of the same coin and you cannot have one without the other.
How do you benefit from the law of polarity?
- Be grateful when you have a great thing. The law of polarity by its virtue of showing both extremes, helps us realize the goodness of all positive aspects in our life. Being in the dark can only help you discover the wonders of light. Sadness makes you cherish happy moments. When you fall sick the next time, be grateful for all the other days you were healthy. When you feel lonely, appreciate all the people you have who make you feel the opposite.
- The negatives can help us learn incredible lessons. When you do not have things going your way are the times when you gain deeper insights into life. A difficult heartbreak helps you learn about what you do not want in a relationship, the kind of person you don’t want, find out your support system, and more importantly, help you understand how to heal yourself. Many of the spiritual shifts are triggered due to dark phases in your lives. Your deepest lows in life help you unravel the highest peaks. The lows are the catalysts to bring in more wisdom, strength, and power to you.
11. Law of Rhythm
This universal law states that cycles are a natural part of our lives. Change is constant. Winter is bound to come after summer, night will be followed by the day, tides rise and fall. The energy of the universe is like a pendulum which is never static.
How can you connect with universal rhythms?
- The law reminds us that nothing remains fixed or unchanging. There will be moments in life when you encounter hardships, and there will also be times when everything seems effortlessly smooth. Both of these experiences hold significance for our growth and understanding. In accordance with this universal law, if you are facing challenges, it is important to recognize that they are temporary and will eventually pass. The key is to avoid clinging to negative emotions while navigating through difficult times. By consciously letting go of pain, resentment, and guilt, you open yourself to healing and embracing the change.
- Of all the 12 universal laws, this law helps you manage your ego. When you are at the peak of your career, remain grounded, for it isn’t permanent. And when you are the rock bottom, know that all there is in the future is growth.
- Go with your rhythmic flow. If you are into art, music, dance, or writing, you would understand exactly what that means. You can’t push yourself to write a book when you have a creative block. It’s best to give yourself a break instead of pushing through.
12. Law of Gender
The universal law of gender states that everything and everyone has masculine and feminine energy, irrespective of their gender identities. While the masculine energy is logical, focused, and action-oriented, the feminine energy is ever-flowing, creative, and dynamic.
How to balance masculine and feminine energy?
We live in a world where men and women are more driven towards masculine energy. With the skewed meaning of success to power and money, we ignore the energy of nurturing, empathy, and expressing emotions.
- If your feminine energy is weak, learn to let go of your fears listen to your intuition. You may also try dance or music help you surrender to the energy and stop overthinking. Contrary to the common belief, feminine energy is extremely powerful in manifesting your desires.
- Healing your heart chakra can help you embrace both energies.
- Meditation is another excellent way to strengthen and balance your energies.
The 12 universal laws are your comprehensive navigation tools through spiritual growth and learning. These are your guiding principles to understand the dynamics of the universe, and how to manifest your desires.